
Monday, July 4, 2011

Get Into The Groove

Okay, before we get into the experience here, can I be frank with you?  I can't afford a stand mixer.  For this reason, when recipes say:

"Place [insert ingredients here] into the bowl of your stand mixer and mix on low for [insert number here] minutes until light and fluffy."

I respond with a little bit of envy for people who have stand mixers and... a whole lotta resentment because, if they're telling you to do it in a stand mixer, it’s going to be tricky doing it by hand.

With that out of the way, I made bread for the first time ever.  It was hard.  I cursed a lot, especially when I took my hands away from kneading and I looked like the Swamp Thing.  Multiple times.  Wash hands, re-flour hands, dive back in.  Got over the kneading with more flour (be forewarned, you might need more flour!).

With bread, the rising of the yeast is something I always found pretty fascinating.  When I was a kid, I talked my mom into making sourdough.  Turns out, at that age, I hated sourdough bread.  It was not, however, the end product that I was interested in.  I was fascinated by the starter; I had seen it on the tv on some program.

So, let's rehash about baking up some bread.  'Cause I totally took pictures during each stage.  One thing though: the initial mix before the 'resting', I took a better picture without the flash and it came out really nicely.  Then I accidentally deleted it off my camera.  I cursed, I cried and then I felt incredibly silly about the whole thing.

Baking 101 with 'Sur La Table'
Chatper 1: Yeast Breads and Rolls
Nine-Grain Whole Wheat Harvest Bread

I was attracted to this one first because my parents are trying to eat healthier and I wanted to see if I could make them better bread than the stuff that they can buy in the store.  Don't get me wrong; I love my Dempster's rye bread just as much as the next guy, but sometimes a switch up is nice too.

Fascinating detail about this recipe is the use of 9-grain hot cereal mix to get that grainy goodness.  When I went to bulk foods, I could only get 6- or 12-grains.  So I flipped a coin and it came out 12-grains.  So, while this is called 9-grains, it actually should technically have 12-grains.  Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say 12-grains-and-seeds mix.

Activating the yeast with warm water and a bit of sugar
Throw these three together and let the mixture sit for a bit and you get something foamy and bubbly.  It smelled a little bit like when my dad used to make wine in our cellar.  I'm not sure if that's right, but it was certainly bubbly and foamy.
It's alive!  *Insert maniacal laughter here*

Swamp-Thing fingers, the first time 
Yeah, this is the photo that I accidentally deleted so you can only have the flash version.  Sorry, my bad.  Color is a little bit washed out, but it was incredibly sticky and you can see that in the picture.
Yeah, this doesn't make bread look too appealing, but don't lose heart!  It gets better. ^_^

Return of the Swamp-Thing fingers
Kneading by hand the first time was even more frustrating than the first amount of kneading.  What is one to do?  It leads to first rise, however, which is incredibly sweet.  Shown below are before and after photos, just like a dough makeover!
For some reason, the rising of dough like this is something that I find absolutely fascinating.  I am an adult and every time that I watch bread rise I feel like a child seeing something for the first time.  It is sort of an amazing feeling.

Abusing the dough
Turning it out onto a well-floured (and naked) countertop, you smack it down into a disk.  Working carefully (or, in my case, with a little bit of an edge after kneading sticking dough), you bring the edges to the centre and pinch.  You then pick the ball up, turning it over so that the tuck-side is away from you, and continue to tuck under.  Cindy says this is 'creating tension' because, if you don't do it, the shape will be wonky when it rises.  If you like classic movies, you can skip this and you get a blob.  I did not know this.  See, mum, I'm learning!
After that you let it rise again so that it puffs out.
See previous caption.  Needless to say, I really had to resist the temptation to touch it and poke at it!

Bake the bread, baby!
Okay, so the dough takes a breath and then it gets baked.  Below is my loaf that came out as a result of everything.  I was wigging out (in the "I can't believe THIS is what I get for trying SO hard!" kind of way) because my loaf came out a few shades darker than 'golden brown'.  I swear, it’s my oven’ fault for the dark colour.  As further proof of my innocence in the matter, note that the loaf is darker at the back end despite being in the middle.  Anyway, rest assured, it came out okay!  The dark stuff you see is a layer smaller than half of a millimetre (sorry, I don't know the inch conversion! x_x;; ).  My mum described it best as being like the shell of an egg; the darkness that you see is like a very, very thin shell and then the inside emerges evenly and the bread has a nice taste.
This experience has taught me that baking bread doesn't smell quite as awesome as say Banana Quick Bread when it bakes.  The awesome smells come afterwards as it cools on a wire rack in your kitchen!

All in all, props for a great recipe!  It was definitely a great learning experience.  I think one more lesson in bread might be instructive before moving on to the next chapter.  All considerations aside, I'm terrified of layered pastry!

Dear Canadian buddies, I'm sorry its Monday already, but hopefully your long weekend allowed you to bake some awesome or catch some zzz's.  Both are equally awesome activities.

To my American friends, Happy Independence Day!

p.s. I definitely was rocking out to the Madonna song while typing this up.  I figured if I was going to make the reference, I might as well go the whole nine yards about it.  And not in the Bruce Willis and Matthew Perry way. ^_~

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